Watchmen is an upcoming 2009 American epic superhero film directed by Zack Snyder. Based on the 1986 comic book limited series Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, the film adaptation stars Patrick Wilson, Jackie Earle Haley, Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Matthew Goode, Stephen McHattie, Matt Frewer, and Carla Gugino. Set in 1985, the film follows a group of former vigilantes as tensions heighten between the United States and the Soviet Union as an investigation of an apparent conspiracy against them uncovers something even more grandiose and sinister. The film began shooting in Vancouver in September 2007 for release on March 6, 2009.[6] As with his previous film 300, Snyder closely modeled his storyboards on the comic, but he chose not to shoot all of Watchmen using chroma key and opted for more sets. Following the series' publication, the film adaptation was mired in development hell. Producer Lawrence Gordon began developing the project at 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros. with producer Joel Silver and director Terry Gilliam, the latter eventually deeming the complex novel unfilmable. During the 2000s, Gordon and Lloyd Levin collaborated with Universal Studios and Paramount Pictures to produce a script by David Hayter (who set it in modern times). Darren Aronofsky and Paul Greengrass were attached to Paramount's project, before it was canceled over budget disputes. The project returned to Warner Bros., where Snyder was hired to direct (Paramount remained as international distributor). Fox sued Warner Bros. for copyright violation arising from Gordon's failure to pay a buy-out in 1991, which enabled him to develop the film at the other studios. Fox and Warner Bros. settled this before the film's release and Fox will receive a portion of the gross. A DVD based on elements of the Watchmen universe will be released; it will include an animated adaptation of the comic Tales of the Black Freighter within the story, starring Gerard Butler, and the documentary Under the Hood, detailing the older generation of superheroes from the film's back-story. An extended edition of the film, with Tales of the Black Freighter interspersed through the main storyline in a manner reminiscent of the comic, is forthcoming.
The story is set in an alternate 1985 where superheroes exist, Richard Nixon is still president, and tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union are at an all-time high. The vigilante Rorschach is investigating the murder of a former hero, the Comedian, and uncovers a plot to discredit and murder various heroes. Rorschach discovers a far wider-ranging conspiracy involving his colleagues' past which could completely change the course of history.
Starring Malin Akerman Billy Crudup Matthew Goode Carla Gugino Jackie Earle Haley Jeffrey Dean Morgan Patrick Wilson
Outlander is a 2009 science fiction film directed by Howard McCain and starring James Caviezel. Caviezel has described Outlander to be a light combination of Braveheart and Highlander.
Plot Outlander begins when a space craft crashes onto planet earth. The ship lands in Norway in the time of the Vikings, 900 A.D. From the wreckage emerges a soldier from another world – Kainan – who hunts a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seek revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Whilst trying to hunt for the Moorwen, war brews among the Vikings, which ends with both sides taking immense losses. As the enemy Vikings retreat into the forests, the Moorwen strikes, leaving the vikings no choice but to run for help to their once close enemies. Together, the two sides attempt to destroy the Moorwen as a single band of Vikings. The village takes massive casualties, including the Viking Leader. The village in fear and its warriors demoralised, most of the vikings leave the village in search of a new home and safety. Kainan and the remaining warriors stand together to destroy the Moorwen. Kainan combines his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, and goes on to the final battle with the Moorwen.
Push is a 2009 American science fiction thriller film directed by Paul McGuigan. The
film stars Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, Djimon Hounsou, and Camilla Belle. The plot centers around a group of psychic people, as well as others with varying powers, who band together to attempt to take down a government agency that is using a dangerous drug to enhance the powers of Movers, Pushers, Watchers, Wipers etc.
The film has received generally negative reviews by critics on its original release with critics claiming the film to be "visually flashy but hyperkinetic and convoluted".
Plot During the opening credits, a narrator (Dakota Fanning) tells us how those with abilities have been involved with the government since 1945. The opening scene shows two Movers, Nick Gant and his father on the run from the "Division". Realizing that escape is impossible, Nick's father tells him of a vision he received from a Watcher; a girl will give him a flower and he is to do what she says in order to "save us all." He then throws him through an air vent as Agent Henry Carver (Djimon Hounsou) of Division arrives. Nick's father then fights the Agents, taking out only two(on screen) before he is killed while Nick escapes.
Ten years later, the American Division is testing a potentially deadly augmentation drug on a Pusher named Kira (Camilla Belle). While the test seems like a failure, when the doctor moves in to check Kira's pulse, she reveals herself to be alive(the one and only to ever live). Knocking the doctor out, Kira steals his card and a syringe which has the drug in it and escapes with the help of her enhanced abilities and interference from a nearly-catatonic Watcher.
Two days later, the scene changes to Hong Kong, where an adult Nick Gant (Chris Evans) is hiding from Division as an expatriate. Though he attempts to use his ability to make a living, he displays a poor skill at "moving" and is not successful at fixing a local dice game, leaving him in debt to a local Triad—which happens to be controlled by Bleeders bred by the now defunct Chinese Division. After making his escape from the gamblers, he returns to his apartment and finds that the American Division has located him. Two Sniff Agents, Mac and Holden (Cory Stoll and Scott Michael Campbell), demand to know if he has seen a certain girl. While Mac sniffs around Nick's apartment, Holden psychically reads about Nick's actions in this apartment, and finds out he hasn't yet met the girl. The two Agents then leave, taking Nick's toothbrush in case they need to find him again.
Almost immediately following the encounter a young girl named Cassie Holmes (Dakota Fanning) comes to Nick's apartment. Cassie lets herself into his apartment and explains that she is a Watcher and that they are going to find a case containing 6 million dollars. Nick and Cassie then go to a restaurant to further discuss their plans. After a brief chat, Nick is unsatisfied with Cassie's explanations and refuses to help her. While Cassie tries to convince him to help her, Cassie has a vision and proceeds to run ahead, claiming that "they" are here, confusing Nick as to who "they" are. Attempting to escape, the duo's attempt is thwarted by "they"—who are revealed to be the Triads—and after a short pursuit, both are subdued. Nick helps Cassie escape and as the Bleeders prepare to kill him, they are stopped by the Watcher in the Triad's group, who states that without Nick they find no chance of finding the girl. The Triads then leave. As Nick lies on the ground, dying, an unknown woman comes and retrieves him. Cassie then has a vision of a building, finds it and enters. She finds an unconscious Nick lying face-down on a table. The woman who rescued him, a female Stitcher (Maggie Siff), then heals his wounds because of a favor she owed to Cassie's Mother. As Nick reawakens, Cassie gives him a lotus flower and he recalls the words of his Father, knowing now that he has no other choice than to help Cassie.
Meanwhile, Agent Mac and Holden manage to recapture Kira who has had her memories wiped so it is more difficult for Division to track her. While in the car returning to Carver, Kira tries to Push Holden but he manages to reject it. They then pull over because Kira has to use the bathroom. Mac goes into the bathroom with Kira while Holden waits outside. Inside the restroom, Kira pushes thought of a fictional brother into Mac's head and says that Holden killed him. In anger, Mac storms out of the bathroom and shoots Holden in the back of the head. He then tries to incapacitate Kira, but she manages to incapacitate him instead and escape.
Meanwhile, Nick and Cassie go to Club Bee Boss after Nick see's one of Cassie's drawings of the future which shows the club's sign and a clue to where they should go next to find this girl. Upon entry, Nick see's an old friend, "Hook" Waters (Cliff Curtis), who happens to be a Shifter and is using his abilities to swoon local ladies and scam the club. After a discussion, he uses his abilities to take a replica of the clue in Cassie's drawing and he tells them to go to Emily Hu (Ming Na), a highly skilled Sniff who can help them find Kira.
After Nick and Cassie find Kira who is trying to get a ride by using her abilities to trick a young couple into believing the three are all old friends, it is revealed that Nick and Kira know each other prior a former romantic relationship. Kira was apparently captured by Division and Nick failed to realize this. They recruit a Shadow named "Pinky" Stein (Nate Mooney) to hide Kira from the Sniffs, knowing that it is merely a stopgap measure—a Shadow cannot hide a subject from a Watcher at all, but from Sniffs for a short time, and Division has several tracking Kira. Later that night, Nick and Kira manage to rekindle their relationship while Cassie goes and purchases alcohol in hopes boost her powers(it is mentioned earlier that her Mother did the same thing), but the plan ends up failing quite humorously.
Then in the morning, Cassie awakens suddenly. The team departs from their apartment and is shown that the Triads had located them. While Nick, Cassie, Pinky and Kira find a new hiding place at Emily’s place, Nick decides that it is time to make a stand. With the help of Emily, he finds Agents Henry Carver and his partner, an advanced Mover named Victor Budarin (Neil Jackson) and confronts them. Now with greater control over his abilities, Nick holds both Agents at gunpoint and chats with them where Carver reveals that Kira will die if she does not come with them. Soon, Budarin and Nick battle and despite Nick's improved skill, he is easily outmatched by Budarin's superior strength. While Nick and Budarin fight, Carver confronts Cassie. Carver tells Cassie he will not hurt her for if she dies, the future will change to one Carver may not like. Cassie then says that the same will happen if Nick dies. Carver then returns to the Movers' battle where Nick is being severely beaten. Carver tells Budarin it is time to go and both agents depart.
When Nick returns, he finds that Kira is in bad shape and that Carver was telling the truth about the side-effects of the drug. As he comforts her, Cassie barges in and thanks to one of her drawings, finds the key to a locker in which Kira hid a valuable case. With the aid of Cassie's visions, they are able to roughly piece together the events that led them to meet; Cassie's mother used her visions to set a complex plan in motion that will lead to the destruction of Division. Knowing that they are being tracked by Watchers from both Division and the Triad, Nick comes up with an elaborate plan that involves seven envelopes in which he puts instructions in; each person in their group is entrusted one envelope, and none are supposed to open them until the time to act is right.
First, Pinky pretends to sell Kira out, then turns the reward(though he is somewhat disappointed he does not get to keep the money for his efforts) over to Nick. Nick uses the money to pay a Wiper to erase his memories of the plan, ensuring that Watchers from both Division and the Triads will no longer be able to interfere. Meanwhile, after Budarin injects Kira with an immunosuppressant to counteract the adverse effects of the drug, Carver introduces himself to Kira as a friend, saying that her memories are false; she is actually a Division agent volunteered to take the augmentation injection, and suffered memory loss as a side-effect and shows Kira her badge.
During this time, Hook retrieves the case(which doesn't have 6 million dollars, but instead has the syringe Kira stole) and brings it back to Cassie and Theresa. He then shifts another case to look exactly like the case with syringe. Cassie then takes the shifted case to Nick's apartment as her instructions stated she should do and waits. Meanwhile, Nick regains consciousness, not having any memory of the envelopes or his plan as he had planned. He then opens his own envelope which simply tells him to return home and does so. When he returns home he finds the case in his room, the female Stitcher who healed him returns the injuries he received from the Bleeders earlier and he collapses in agony. The Stitcher then hands the case over to the Bleeder Triads who give her a great deal of money in return. As she prepares to leave, Nick uses his abilities to take the guns Cassie hid(as she was instructed to) and holds the Stitcher at gunpoint, forcing her to heal him. As Cassie and Nick leave the Stitcher tied up in his apartment, Cassie fears the worst because all of her drawing which have to do with her death. Nick promises that she will not die and the two depart, Nick telling Cassie to go and find somewhere to hide without even thinking about it.
Cassie finds her hiding place in a large apartment building, but unfortunately, the Triad Watcher finds her and holds her at gunpoint. Prepared to kill Cassie, the Watcher tells Cassie that she made her look like a fool in front of her family and prepares to kill her. As she does, the Wiper that wiped Kira and Nick jumps out and wipes all of the Watcher's memories without trouble and successfully prevents Cassie's death.
Meanwhile, Nick goes to retrieve the augmentation drug himself and confronts Carver, Kira and Budarin. Kira reveals that she has been using Nick the entire time and Nick, defeated, takes the three to the building which holds the lockers and the case. Nick then handcuffed and thrown in the trunk of the car as Kira, Carver and Budarin go to obtain the case. As they do, they are suddenly ambushed by the entire group of Triads. Budarin, Kira and Carver make short-work of most of the Triad's forces and unintentionally free Nick from the car. He then joins the large battle and commences a rematch with Budarin. As Nick finally overpowers Budarin, both are attacked by a Bleeder Triad. Budarin manages to kill the Bleeder and as Nick and him try to once again fight, the Leader of the Triads reveals that he too is a Bleeder and kills Budarin. As the Bleeder continues to scream, Nick causes a very large amount of building material to come down on the Bleeder and successfully kills the leader of the Triads.
He then rushes over to Kira and Carver to confront them once more. Carver beats Nick and then pushes him to go and walk off of the roof of the building. Right before Nick walks off, he suddenly turns and knocks Carver to the ground, grabs the case and jams the syringe in his arm. Carver tries to tell Nick it's a bad idea to use the drug. Despite this, Nick injects himself, falls over and dies. Carver and Kira then depart. Moments later, Cassie walks over to Nick's body and tells him that she told him bring an Umbrella. Nick opens his eyes then stands up and Cassie retrieves the true case, revealing that Nick really only injected himself with soy sauce as they had planned. The duo then leave, Cassie saying that they'll meet Kira again soon enough.
On the flight back to America with a sleeping Agent Carver, Kira opens her purse and finds her red envelope. She remembers Nick telling her to open when "she started doubting the truth" and opens it. Inside, she find a picture of her and Nick at Coney island—proof that Carver had altered her memories. Written on the picture, a message reads, "KILL HIM. See you soon, Nick." Kira then pushes Carver, commanding him to put his gun in his mouth and commit suicide.
Starring Chris Evans Dakota Fanning Camilla Belle Djimon Hounsou Ming-Na
Way back into love (Ost. The Music & Lyrics)- Hugh Grant Haley Bennett I've been living with a shadow overhead I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed I've been lonely for so long Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away Just in case I ever need em again someday I've been setting aside time To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love I can't make it through without a way back into love Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine I've been searching but I just don't see the signs I know that it's out there There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love I can't make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart again I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
There are moments when I don't know if it's real Or if anybody feels the way I feel I need inspiration Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love I can't make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart to you I'm hoping you'll show me what to do And if you help me to start again You know that I'll be there for you in the end oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
The Pink Panther 2 is a 2009 spy comedy film directed by Harald Zwart It is the sequel to the 2006 film The Pink Panther, a reboot of the popular comedy series. The film was released on February 6, 2009 in North America. In the film, Inspector Clouseau must team up with detectives from other countries to rout the daring cat burglar, The Tornado, who has returned after a decade of inactivity. Steve Martin, who reprised the role of Clouseau, originated by Peter Sellers, polished the original script written by Scott Neustadter and Michael M, Weber in November 2006.Columbia Pictures, partnering with MGM on the sequel, hired the team of Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel to perform a further rewrite in January 2007. Principal photography began in Paris on August 20, 2007, then moved to Boston several weeks later, where filming ended on November 2, 2007. Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan appears in the female lead as criminology expert, Sonia. John Cleese replaces Kevin Kline as Chief Inspector Dreyfus with Jean Reno and Emily Mortimer reprising their roles as his partner Ponton and his girlfriend Nicole. Andy García and Alfred Molina round out the cast as detectives, Inspector Vicenzo Brancaleone and Chief Inspector Randall Pepperidge.
Plot When the master thief, the Tornado, begins stealing expensive artifacts, the Government of France assembles a Dream Team of Detectives to solve the case. Inspector Clouseau is reassigned from his task as a parking officer by Chief Inspector Dreyfus to join the Dream Team in Japan, site of the Tornado's recent heist. At the airport, as soon as he is officially leaving France, news breaks that the Pink Panther Diamond has also been stolen. Clouseau travels back to the scene of the crime, where the other members of the Dream Team, Inspector Pepperidge (Great Britain), Vincenzo (an Italian), Kenji (an electronics specialist from Japan), and Sonia (a researcher and criminology expert from India), are gathering. They go to Rome to investigate a blacksmith, Alonso Avellaneda, who deals with The Tornado. Assuming he is The Tornado, the Dream Team question him while Clouseau snoops around. Avellaneda successfully vindicates himself, and after they leave, he meets with The Tornado himself. Later on that night, Clouseau and his partner, Ponton, spy on Avellaneda, using a wire they have planted on him, as he takes a date out for dinner. Unfortunately, the mission is compromised when they find Vincenzo and Clouseau's girlfriend, Nicole, together at the restaurant. Having been banned for burning down the restaurant earlier, Clouseau disguises himself as a dancer and attempts to switch the wire to Nicole's table. In the process, he ends up burning down the restaurant again. At the same time, The Tornado steals the pope's ring, an act which begins to turn public opinion against the Dream Team. When Clouseau's acts of foolishness aggravate the situation, he is voted off the team, with only Sonia sympathizing with him. Shortly afterward, Clouseau is called to an office where they see the Tornado has killed himself, and left a suicide note claiming he destroyed the Pink Panther and left the other treasures to be recovered. Examining a key they found in the Pope's Chambers, they successfully match DNAs, and thus believe themselves to have solved the case. However, Clouseau is unconvinced and believes the Tornado was not the thief. For their victory in recovering the stolen items (minus the Pink Panther), a celebration is thrown in the Dream Team's honor. Clouseau, who was not invited, tries to convince Dreyfus that the real thief is still at large, but is ignored. Dreyfus relays to the group that Clouseau told him Sonia was the thief, and the group, treating the idea as a joke, work out a plausible explanation for how she could have done it. As Sonia tries to leave, Nicole asks her to take everything out of her purse. Sonia pulls out a gun, and after initially threatening to shoot Nicole, runs upstairs. Clouseau and the rest of the Dream Team chase her all around the building, while they all (except for Clouseau) make fools of themselves. Finally cornered, Sonia threatens to destroy the Pink Panther, and Clouseau successfully goads her to do so. Clouseau reveals that she had destroyed a fake gem he had switched with the real one, and that the Tornado, a master thief, would have recognized this; therefore, his suicide note was forged and he was actually murdered. He reveals that he had given Sonia's car a ticket two days before the Pink Panther was stolen, contradicting her alibi of having been delayed to the crime scene because of her flight. Dreyfus tries to claim credit for having appointed Clouseau to his parking job, but Clouseau, remembering Dreyfus told him to deny this to anyone who asked, rebukes the claim. Clouseau later marries Nicole at the end of the movie.
Starring Steve Martin Jean Reno Alfred Molina Emily Mortimer Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Andy García Yuki Matsuzaki Johnny Halliday
Slumdog Millionaire is a 2009 British drama film directed by Danny Boyle, co-directed by Loveleen Tandan, and written by Simon Beaufoy. It is an adaptation of the Boeke Prize-winning and Commonwealth Writers' Prize-nominated novel Q and A (2005) by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup. Set and filmed in India, Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of a young man from the slums of Mumbai who appears on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Kaun Banega Crorepati, mentioned in the Hindi version) and exceeds people's expectations, arousing the suspicions of the game show host and of law enforcement officials. After screenings at the Telluride Film Festival and the Toronto International Film Festival, Slumdog Millionaire initially had a limited North American release on 12 November 2008 by Fox Searchlight Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures, to critical acclaim and awards success, and later had a nationwide release in the United States on 23 January 2009 and in the United Kingdom on 9 January 2009. It premiered in Mumbai on 22 January 2009. Slumdog Millionaire won five Critics' Choice Awards, four Golden Globes and seven BAFTA Awards, including Best Film, and has been nominated for ten Academy Awards. The film is also the subject of controversy concerning its portrayal of India and Hinduism as well as the welfare of its child actors.
Plot The film opens with a police inspector (Irrfan Khan) in Mumbai, India, interrogating and torturing Jamal Malik (Dev Patel), a former street child from the Dharavi slums. Jamal is a contestant on the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Kaun Banega Crorepati) hosted by Prem Kumar (Anil Kapoor). Jamal has made it to the final question, scheduled for the next day, but the police are now accusing him of cheating, because the other possibilities, that he has a vast knowledge, or that he is very lucky, both seem unlikely. Jamal then explains that, while at least the question about Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan was very simple, he knew the answers of most questions by chance, because of things that happened in his life. This is conveyed in a series of flashbacks documenting the particulars of his childhood. This includes scenes of him obtaining the autograph of Amitabh Bachchan; the death of his mother during Hindu-Muslim riots in the slums; and how he and his brother Salim (Madhur Mittal) befriended the orphan girl Latika (Freida Pinto). As Jamal's favorite book from his short period in school was The Three Musketeers, he refers to Salim and himself as Athos and Porthos, and Latika as the third Musketeer. The children are eventually discovered by Maman (Ankur Vikal) while they live in the trash heaps. Maman is a gangster (a fact they do not actually know at the time they meet him) who "collects" street children so that he can ultimately train them to beg for money. Salim is groomed to become a part of Maman’s operation and is asked to bring Jamal to Maman in order to be blinded (which would improve his income potential as a singing beggar). Salim rebels against Maman to protect his brother, and the three children try to escape, but only Salim and Jamal are successful as Salim purposely lets go of Latika's hand as she tries to board a train they are hopping while trying to escape. Latika is re-captured by Maman's organization and raised as a culturally talented prostitute whose virginity will fetch a high price. The brothers eke out a living, traveling on top of trains, selling goods, pretending to be tour guides at the Taj Mahal, and pickpocketing. Jamal eventually insists that they return to Mumbai since he wishes to locate Latika. When he finds her working as a dancer in a brothel, the brothers attempt to rescue her, but Maman intrudes, and in the resulting conflict Salim draws a gun and kills Maman. Salim then uses the fact that he killed Maman to obtain a job with Javed (Mahesh Manjrekar), a rival crime lord. Salim claims Latika as his own and when Jamal protests, Salim threatens to kill him and Latika intervenes, accepting her fate with Salim and breaking Jamal's heart. Years later, Jamal has a position as a "chai-wallah" (a boy or young man who serves tea) at a call centre. When he is asked to cover for a co-worker for a couple of minutes, he searches the database for Salim and Latika. He gets in touch with Salim, who has become a high-ranking lieutenant in Javed’s organization and confronts a regretful Salim on tense terms. Salim invites Jamal to live with him and, after following Salim to Javed's house, he sees Latika living there. He talks his way in as the new dishwasher and tries to convince Latika to leave. She rebuffs his advances, but he promises to be at the (Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus) railway station every day at 5 p.m. for her. One day Latika attempts to rendezvous with him, but is recaptured by Salim and Javed's men. One of the men then slashes her cheek with a knife, scarring her as Salim drives off. Jamal again loses contact with Latika when Javed moves to another home. In another attempt to find Latika, Jamal tries out for the popular game show because he knows that she will be watching. He makes it to the final question, despite the hostile attitude of the host who feeds Jamal an incorrect answer during a break. At the end of the show, Jamal has one question left to win 10 million, or one crore, rupees and is taken into police custody, where he is tortured as the police attempt to learn how Jamal, a simple "slumdog", could know the answers to so many questions. After Jamal tells his whole story, explaining how his life experiences coincidentally enabled him to know the answer to each question, the police inspector calls his explanation "bizarrely plausible" and allows Jamal to return to the show for the final question. At Javed's safehouse, Latika watches the news coverage of Jamal's miraculous run on the show. Salim gives Latika the keys to his car and his phone and urges her to run away. When Jamal uses his Phone-A-Friend lifeline to call Salim, Latika answers his phone and they reconnect. She does not know the answer to the final question either, but believing that "it is written", Jamal guesses the correct answer (Aramis) to the question of the one Musketeer whose name they never learned, and wins the grand prize. Simultaneously, Salim is discovered to have helped Latika escape and allows himself to be killed in a bathtub full of money after shooting and killing Javed. Salim's last words are "God is great". Later that night, Jamal and Latika meet at the train station, and finally share a kiss.
Plot Shawn (Nicholas D'Agosto) and Nick (Eric Christian Olsen) are the star players on their high school's football team. They decide to go to cheerleading camp instead of football camp so they can be surrounded by women. Their school's cheer team happens to be the worst team at camp so they let the boys join in hopes of improving, despite the head cheerleader, Carly's (Sarah Roemer), protest. The guys are having a great time at camp until Shawn falls for Carly, who already has a boyfriend, Rick (David Walton). To win her over, the boys must prove their intentions before the end of camp.
Starring Sarah Roemer Nicholas D'Agosto Eric Christian Olsen David Walton
Plot A college graduate named Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) moves to Manhattan to nurture her shopping addiction and get involved in the New York magazine world. Her dream job is to work for fashion magazine Alette, instead she becomes a columnist for a financial magazine published by the same company. The new editor Luke Brandon hires her to provide a unconventional perspective on financial advice in a column under the title "the Girl in the Green Scarf". Despite being able to give great financial advice she is unable to admit her own addiction to shopping. She is up to her neck in debt, and is being chased by debt collectors.
The Reader is an Academy Award-nominated and BAFTA, Golden Globe Award-winning 2008 British drama film based on the 1995 German novel of the same name by Bernhard Schlink. The film adaptation was written by David Hare and directed by Stephen Daldry. Ralph Fiennes and Kate Winslet star along with the young actor David Kross. It was the last film for producers Anthony Minghella and Sydney Pollack, who both died before it was released. Production began in Germany in September 2007, and the film opened in limited release on 10 December 2008.
It tells the story of Michael Berg, a German lawyer who as a teenager in the late 1950s had an affair with an older woman, Hanna Schmitz, who then disappeared only to resurface years later as one of the defendants in a war crimes trial stemming from her actions as a concentration camp guard late in the war. Michael realizes that Hanna is keeping a secret she believes is worse than her Nazi past, a secret that may cost her at the trial.
Winslet and David Kross, who plays the young Michael, have received much praise for their performances. The film has been nominated for several major awards.
Plot The Reader begins in 1995 Berlin, where Michael Berg (Ralph Fiennes) is preparing breakfast for a woman who has spent the night with him. After she leaves, Michael watches a U-Bahn pass by, flashing back to a tram in 1958 Neustadt. A teenage Michael (David Kross) gets off because he is feeling sick and wanders around the streets afterwards, finally pausing in the entryway of a nearby apartment building where he vomits. Hanna Schmitz (Kate Winslet), the tram conductor, comes in and assists him in returning home.
Michael (Kross) reads to Hanna (Winslet) after sex.Michael, diagnosed with scarlet fever, must rest at home for the next three months. After he recovers he visits Hanna. The two begin an affair. During their liaisons, at her apartment, he reads to her literary works he is studying, such as The Odyssey, The Lady with the Little Dog and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. After a bicycling trip, Hanna learns she is being promoted to a clerical job at the tram company. She abruptly moves without leaving a trace.
After seeing the adult Michael, a lawyer, we see him at Heidelberg University law school in 1966. As part of a special seminar taught by Professor Rohl (Bruno Ganz), a camp survivor, he observes a trial of several women who were accused of letting 300 Jewish women die in a burning church when they were SS guards on the death march following the 1944 evacuation of Auschwitz. Hanna is one of the defendants.
Stunned, Michael visits a former camp himself. The trial divides the seminar, with one student angrily saying there is nothing to be learned from it other than that evil acts occurred and that the older generation of Germans should kill themselves for their failure to act then.
The key evidence is the testimony of Ilana Mather (Alexandra Maria Lara), author of a memoir of how she and her mother survived. Hanna, unlike her fellow defendants, admits that Auschwitz was an extermination camp and that the ten women she chose during each month's Selektion were gassed. She denies authorship of a report on the church fire, despite pressure from the other defendants, but then admits it when asked to provide a handwriting sample.
Michael then realizes Hanna's secret: she is functionally illiterate and has concealed that her whole life. She joined the SS to avoid a job promotion that would have revealed it. Michael informs Rohl that he has information favorable to one of the defendants but is not sure what to do since she wants to avoid disclosing this. Rohl tells him that if he has learned nothing from the past there is no point in having the seminar.
Hanna receives a life sentence for her role in the church deaths while the other defendants get shorter terms. Michael meanwhile marries, has a daughter and divorces. Rediscovering his books and notes from the time of his affair, he begins reading them into a tape recorder. He sends the cassette tapes and a tape recorder to Hanna. Eventually she learns to read, and writes back to him.
Michael does not write back or visit, but keeps sending tapes, and in 1988 a prison official (Linda Basset) telephones him to seek his help with Hannah's transition into society upon her upcoming release. He finds a place for her to live and a job, and finally visits. The night before her release Hannah hangs herself and leaves a note to Michael and a tea tin with cash in it.
Later, Michael travels to New York. He meets Ilana (Lena Olin) and confesses his past relationship with Hanna. He tells her that Hanna was illiterate for most of her life, and that her suicide note told him to give both the cash, some money she had in a bank account and the tea tin to Ilana. Ilana tells Michael there is nothing to be learned from the camps. Michael suggests that he donate the money to a organization that combats adult illiteracy, preferably a Jewish one, and she agrees. Ilana keeps the tea tin since it is similar to one stolen from her in Auschwitz.
The film ends with Michael getting back together with his daughter, Julia, at Hanna's grave and telling her the story.
Starring Kate Winslet Ralph Fiennes David Kross Alexandra Maria Lara Lena Olin Bruno Ganz
He's Just Not That Into You is a 2009 US romantic comedy film, based on the self-help book of the same name by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo, which, in turn, was based on a line of dialogue in Sex and the City. Produced by Drew Barrymore's Flower Films. Featuring an ensemble cast, it stars Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson, Justin Long, Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin, Kevin Connolly, and Bradley Cooper; and is directed by Ken Kwapis
Starring Drew Barrymore Jennifer Aniston Ben Affleck Scarlett Johansson Justin Long Jennifer Connelly Ginnifer Goodwin Kevin Connolly Bradley Cooper
Coraline is a 2009 animated stop-motion 3-D horror fantasy film based on Neil Gaiman's novella of the same name. It was produced by LAIKA and distributed by Focus Features. Directed by Henry Selick, it was released in theaters on February 6, 2009. It is rated PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for thematic elements, scary images, some language and suggestive humor.
Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) is a divorced, retired CIA operative.His 17-year-old daughter Kim (Maggie Grace) lives with his ex-wife Lenore (Famke Janssen) and her new wealthy husband Stuart (Xander Berkeley). Bryan is hired for security for a pop diva. After the show, the diva is attacked, but Bryan efficiently disables the assailant and gets her safely out of danger. Thankful, the diva expresses some interest in Bryan’s daughter and furnishes him with contacts to get Kim's career started.
The next day Bryan discovers that Kim wants to take a vacation to Paris with her friend Amanda (Katie Cassidy). Despite his initial concerns against the trip, Bryan agrees to allow it, later discovering that their actual plan is to travel round Europe following U2. Arriving in Paris, a young man named Peter (Nicolas Giraud) proposes to share a taxi with Kim and Amanda to the house where they are staying, and reports their address.
In the house, Kim receives a phone call from her father, which she answers in the bathroom. From the bathroom window she sees men entering the main room and abducting Amanda. Bryan is able to gain critical information about the kidnappers in the final moments after Kim is kidnapped by telling her to shout out everything about them that she notices. Briefly, Bryan talks to one of the kidnappers, warning him that unless Kim is released, he will pursue him and kill him, to which the kidnapper replies "good luck" before smashing the daughter's phone.
Exploiting his government contacts and the business connections of his ex-wife’s husband, Bryan travels to Paris to find her, informed that the kidnappers are Albanian sex traffickers and that he has only 96 hours to recover his daughter before she will disappear forever, and that the local leader is a man named Marko. He uses digital photos from the smashed remains of Kim's phone to locate Peter, who is killed by a truck while trying to escape.
He manages to save one of the kidnapped girls from the hands of the kidnappers and she discloses to him the address of the house where the Albanian kidnappers are holding them. He finds the house and several other girls including Amanda, dead from a forced overdose. Later, by torturing Marko, Bryan ascertains that Kim was sold to a man named Patrice Saint-Clair, who showed interest in making a profit from selling her because she is a virgin. He finds Saint-Clair by threatening Jean-Claude's wife, as Jean-Claude was receiving bribes for overlooking the trafficking.
By impersonating Jean-Claude, Bryan gains entry to the building where new girls are being sold, and secures entry to one of the buyers’ viewing booths. He sees his daughter as she is displayed on the auction block. However, he is caught before he can engineer an escape for himself and his daughter. He manages to escape and find Saint-Clair, whom he kills after learning that his daughter is being taken by Arab clients. Bryan manages to follow the car his daughter is being taken in to see her being taken away on a yacht. He jumps on to the ship from a bridge and eliminates all the people inside, finally killing the client and freeing his daughter. Back in the US, Kim is reunited with her mother. Bryan introduces Kim to the diva he saved at the beginning of the film, having arranged an audition with her vocal coach.